How i ended up with the cube

in my previous post..i told you how i got my i'm telling you how i got interested in these puzzles...bermula msa sport day SM Berakas..ada kwan ku ani men rubik's cube(3x3x3 cube)..mula2 i didn't care much about the cube..then ada ia becakp yg ia dpt solve in 2 mins...which really caught my atention...then balik rumah tarus mencari cube ku yg lama..which i couldn't find..then esoknya i decided to buy a new came with the instruction and all...but it seemed like nothing to me back then..psl inda tau menau psl men solve cube ani wah..then each day..cube sja tah di tangan ani..sampai makan pun membwa(baik jua mandi inda membawa..haha)...tpi gagal..masih inda dpt solve bah..then aku search d website youtube 'how to solve a 3x3x3 rubik's cube'..ku pikir nada...mcm impossible lah tu men solve cube ani back then..haha..then ada cha..c dan brown ani..ku liat..mula2 inda plng paham apa2..then i watched it over n over again...mcm 15 kli x slh sja..then after 2 weeks(sometin like that)..bru tah dpt..and i was overwhelmed...terlalu gembira..ku show off lah arah cousin semua...
ku pikir pandai lah aku ani..then i decided to time myself..first time 2mins sometin x..rasa bangga lah..thyen aku search youtube..rupanya ada lgi orng beberapa seconds sja...gila x!!!!...ada lgi kanak2 damit wah mcm 1 min berusaha2..sampai dpt 1 min 29 saat..feels great!!! msa ani trying to improve my time...if lju bnr..masuk competition...(ada hari atu rubik's cube competition wah d OGDC..tpi sayang inda ku ikut..takut kalah)..i now reason ku lame..but i want to show the people my best when dpt less than 1 mins...mesti masuk eyh...siuk x ah...haha

the puzzle family

the rubik's cube(took 1 mins 25 secs to solve!)

It all started with the rubik's cube or the 3x3x3 cube...then ku bli like 3 more of those 3x3x3 cube...(lps ku pandai men solve lah..duh!)..lps atu got bored..membli tah ku circle puzzle..which ku pikir pyah bnr..but it took me 1 day to solve..and i realised that cara solving 3x3x3 cube sma mcm circle puzzle...then it wen on to 2x2x2 cube..which i took 3 days to figure out!!...then the 4x4x4 cube which my lil bro accident(yeah right!)..then my mom bought me the irregular shaped puzzles..(and i accidentaly broke one piece..opps)..then the latest cube which was the pyramid cube...(bru belajar men solve..and finally dapat..whew) mcm handal lah men solve semua..feels lookin around for another puzzle to solve..but first i gotta solve the puzzle to pass my o level with flying colours..well it's a lot harder to solve than solving these toy puzzles..that's for sure...hehe..